Finally we're getting weather that resembles winter. California has been too dry this year.
So last night I wrote an impassioned (but not post-worthy) rant about drugs prompted by a question from
Miss Miggums. But that's not actually the point. Sitting down with the intention of spilling words reminded me that I want to be writing stuff that's more in-depth than vapid social media captions (my job) or silly reflections on daily style (
my hobby). I want to be
deep, which is pathetic because you're not supposed to
want that; it's supposed to just happen. One day you wake up and your angst is poetic, right? But all the writing books say you have to practice.
I want to bring the focus, organization, and length of an academic essay to my personal writing. And I want to be doing personal writing regularly. I used to fantasize about a hypothetical novel; I'm not sure I'm into that idea anymore. But of course I want to be famous! I want to be goddam Cat Marnell (
xoJane and
VICE) minus the dysfunction. Sometimes it seems like I only look up to girls who are disasters--see also Sylvia Plath--because I'm a fuckin' cliche.
Aforementioned focus/organization/length: not in evidence at the moment. Sorry.
I was also thinking about this because, as you may have seen in 24324 Facebook statuses, Philip Seymour Hoffman overdosed on heroin, which is sad. But it made me remember watching
Capote in an English class that I dropped out of, and how I was offended against my better judgment that the teacher didn't give me automatic A+s.
Don't you know that all of my relatives think I'm brilliant?