Monday, August 26, 2013

Not Afraid Of Looking Silly

Well... I'm a little afraid. I want people to take me seriously when it's time to be serious. But I'm not so worried that I won't post a cutesy selfie! Anyway, I resent that enthusiasm about "girly" things is seen as antithetical to intellectual depth. That notion is straight-up misogynistic. Femininity is an important part of my identity; I have strong emotions about it. It's not "just" an aesthetic. But even if it were, denigrating aesthetics as "shallow"--or whatever it is that people think--reflects a terribly simplistic view of the world. I'm pretty sure that constitutes irony!

I am a big believer in vanity as self care. I wear bright makeup, take a lot of selfies, and try to otherwise perform the idea that I am super into myself. I hope that if I make enough fuss about how cool I am, I will start to believe it!

It took a while for me to even accept that I have self-esteem issues. For a long time I felt like I had a pretty healthy ego. But after getting some feedback from my mother, I started to examine my behavior, especially in romantic relationships, and I noticed that my actions indicated that I didn't think I was worth much. Recently, in therapy, I've been working on the idea that I am valuable and deserving of love and attention. I am starting to feel comfortable with the idea that I am valuable, but I grapple with the concept of deserving anything. It seems so weird to me--I mean, what makes anyone entitled to anything?


  1. Femininity is a beautiful part of the woman's gender identity. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your social construct. If it helps you feel better about yourself, go for it.

    1. I agree with the first paragraph. The second one is comforting to me because I like makeup, and that pretty much explained a big reason I put it on! It's nice to hear a new perspective in the favor of makeup/vanity. I read plenty on Tumblr and such, but I never heard of "vanity as self care." Idk, I struggled with thinking it was too egotistical for a while. But like you said, it's pretty stupid to generalize all aesthetics as shallow. So I won't feel guilty for using it. :)
