I don't have it all figured out. They keep telling me that it's okay to be unsure of the future. It's okay to be confused, and to mess up. I'm learning to believe; I'm trying to believe.
My therapist tells me, "When you were a little baby, you deserved love, simply because all little babies deserve love. If a person learns self-worth from early childhood care, it makes a tremendous difference." Well, I must not have learned. I wasn't paying attention in class. She presents the paradigm now and I like it, but it doesn't feel true. My therapist is so kind and earnest. I wish she could pass her faith to me, the way she passes me the tissues when I do a bad job of suppressing tears.
I have bug bites on my forearms and lower legs, from Oregonian mosquitoes. I can't stop scratching them, so they're getting hot and swollen. Of course, the bites don't itch less. Intuitive logic says, scratch the itch and it will go away. In reality, irritated skin gets more irritated when you drag your fingernails over it. The poison is massaged into a greater area.