Sunday, August 24, 2014

Fractured Note To Anxious Creators

(Honestly, this is aimed at myself more than anyone else.)

The artistic choices you make are important. They shape your work. But you don't need to agonize over them. Trust your intuition--it's gotten you this far, hasn't it? If you decide to paint in yellow and realize later that painting in green would have had cool implications, then just remind yourself that the yellow painting is different, not inferior.

I am learning to write better. The question is always, "How can I express myself more simply and clearly?" What's complicated is figuring out how to use the beautiful bulky words that I love without alienating most audiences.

I am trying to write not only for the satisfaction of my own ego, but in order to have a relationship with my reader(s). It is very difficult, but the work is good.


It's starting to seem like the art I post isn't even related to what I'm talking about! Um...

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