Monday, August 4, 2014

Hope & Apprehension

my first computer

Look at that crazy retro Apple computer and the monitor! This picture is so hilariously dated; I can't get over it. Technology moves fast... although Elmer's Glue is still popular. Anyway, I picked this photo for the word processor.

Writing means constant fretting and indecision. "Did I phrase that well? Did I include enough description? Is this character distinct or do they talk just like me?" I second-guess every sentence. I read over the lines and they seem good, but I can't be sure that my opinion is accurate when it's so self-serving.

Despite my doubts, I keep going. I haven't missed my writing goal since committing to a daily practice. I'm sure I will at some point, because life happens, but I've done really well so far. I'm proud of myself for becoming a writer who writes, instead of a writer who agonizes over lack of inspiration.

The scary part is that now my identity hinges on this. If I'm dependent on writing for a sense of self-worth, then I will be devastated if I lose momentum. I'm not naive enough to think that I will always be as consistent and productive as I am now. Hopefully I will continue to improve, but there's no guarantee of that, and there's no guarantee that I can even keep up what I've begun.

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