Friday, April 4, 2014


a sleepy girl in the library-library study-digital sketch from real life, everyday life

// $7 brooch //

Last night I went to bed much earlier than usual, and this morning I did that thing where I turned off the alarm at eight and conked out for two more hours. My mom chided me when I grumped about the schedule-disruption, saying that I probably needed the rest and "sleep is not a waste of time". She was correct, as per usual. It's not like I didn't write about this recently. But my routine is messed up. I hate that; it makes me feel anxious and unsettled.

The negative emotions are a response to self-perceived failure. Once I establish a pattern and get used to it, deviating is wrong, not what I'm "supposed to" do.


  1. my sleep schedule is all screwed up also since i quit my day job about 2 months ago so i totally get what you mean, although i need to just force myself to get up at a certain time to stop not being able to fall asleep til 5am many days.

  2. sorry about the comment above, wrong google account, can you delete it from your end? also, i think your mom was right about needing a bit extra sleep, it's not like you slept til noon anyway : ).

    1. It seems like our bodies should just be able to figure this out on their own! Darn brain overriding things =/ I hope your schedule works out easier soon. Thanks, Dus <3
