Tuesday, April 15, 2014


The Law

// smlp.co.uk //

Law & Order is most fascinating to me when it investigates issues of culpability. When is personal responsibility changed by circumstance or character?

For the past few years, my position on free will has been that it is an illusion.You're born with particular DNA programming, which determines how you perceive and process outside stimuli, thus shaping your progress as a person, as a human psycho-physiological entity. Nature is what determines your reaction to nurture, and you don't have any control over either. They both affect you, certainly, but not in a way that you can manipulate independently of who you already are... it gets circular.

And yet we think that we have the power to decide things without reference to our formative contexts. Regardless of my philosophical position, my brain is convinced that it is reasonable. Accordingly, society is built on the idea of responsibility for one's actions. I'm not saying that it shouldn't be! As far as I can tell there's no alternative. But how interesting, that the entire system of civilization is constructed around a logical fallacy.


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