Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bet Your Bottom Dollar That Tomorrow

playboy bunny car decoration

I'm not sure if this lady on the car ornament is an actual Playboy affiliate or just in the same vein. I'm lightweight offended by the whole thing, since I'm willing to bet that the person who drives this car is a man. But only lightweight offended because honestly I'd rather not bother about it.

I feel kinda bummed out and lumpish today. I don't know why. I've been reasonably productive: I did pet-care and went to class and fulfilled my daily writing quota. My remaining duties are about an hour of dog-walking, total, and feeding the bunnies and general household stuff. I have a pet-sitting interview at six. I will probably do an outfit post. None of that is arduous, and yet I'm dragging my heels.

My impulse is to try and explain my mood, but I suppose I don't have to. I can sit with it and remember that tomorrow is another day, trite as that is.

palm of my hand

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