Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Two Days Motherland

I've started writing in the morning, getting my words down first thing. Okay, it's only been two days so far, but I think this is a good practice to develop. Why not celebrate early? Also, two days running, I have felt nauseous before noon, but I don't think that's related. I hope it is not.

Last night and the previous night, I read Sylvia Plath in bed. I started with journal entries--I am still working through The Unabridged slowly--and then read a few poems out loud. It was hard to find a happy one to end on, which doesn't surprise me given the author. Poetry sounds best when voiced, and I understand it better when I say the words using my own mouth.

I haven't written a poem in a long time. My fingers didn't dry up, but I write to be read and almost no one reads poetry. I just bought A Thousand Heavens by Divya Persaud, so there's that. It was $4.80 which is less than some lattes. I know she offers a new perspective. I am about to reenter the business of learning.

Motherland, a poem by Divya Persaud

The above is an excerpt--read the rest here.

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