Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stymied Enthusiasm

enthusiastic puppy trying to get through the fence

My neighbor's dog Frida got REALLY excited when I walked by, on my way back from a ramble with a different neighbor's dog. Unfortunately photos can't illustration the drama, but she was yelping ferociously and pushing hard to get through the fence.

I know how it is, little one. Life is full of frustrating fences that you can see through but can't get through. My mom says that the world is essentially tragic, and her observation is true. It hurts when you think about the state of affairs too much. The solution is simple but difficult: cultivate joy where you can, and contribute to the larger picture by working on your local puzzle piece. I try.

Sometimes all I can do is handle myself, if that. But I haven't had a moment of giving up in months. The long haul seems doable.

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